

43 Uppsatser om Knock-out mice - Sida 1 av 3

Grb10 and developmental programming: evaluation of a maternal diet restriction model during gestation

This study was conducted at the University of Bath, UK, from September to December 2014 as part of an ongoing research project aimed at elucidating how the Grb10 gene might act as a mediator of long-term health effects (such as predisposition to obesity, diabetes, coronary heart disease and hypertension) caused by environmental factors during development. This phenomenon is known as developmental programming. The purpose of this thesis was not primarily to answer any of the broader questions posed by this research project at large since this would require much more data than is reasonable to acquire over the course of a few months, but rather to evaluate the methods used in this project and reveal whether they are working the way they are presumed to. In the research project, which employs mice with the Grb10 gene knocked out as well as wild-type control mice, a dietary restriction model is utilized during gestation, which is supposed to generate offspring with lower birth weight and subsequent detrimental health effects in adulthood. This is supposed to be achieved by restricting the protein content of the pregnant mothers? diet to 9 % (as opposed to the control diet of 20 %) throughout gestation.

Hur ser framtidens resenär ut? : En studie av inkommande MICE-turism i Sverige

Inkommande turism betyder mycket för en nation. I det här arbetet undersöks hur framtidens MICE-resenär ser ut och vilka krav de har. Studien visar på några starka trender som de lokala aktörerna bör möta för att på bästa sätt möta framtiden. Bl.a. framhävs vikten av värdskap och effektivare användning Internet..

Knacksensorplacering på lastbilsmotor

This work is an experimental study where knock sensor placements are investigated using engine tests. The aim is to studythe quality of the signal from knock sensors and how the signal for engine control is affected at different sensor locations on Scanias, engine DC13. To find out at witch position on the engine youcan get a usable signal for engine control, the engine is running while the knock sensors with advanced measurement equipment is connected to the engine. Evaluation of signals from the knock sensors are made in the computer program Matlab. The program is producing a seriesof plots, from these plots it is visually possible to draw conclusions and find connections.

Assessing the ability of LARGE overexpression to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary X-linked fatal disease that affects 1 in 3500 male births. It is the most common kind of muscular dystrophy in children and leads to death in the late teens or early 20s for many patients. The mdx mouse is a model of DMD that can be used to investigate experimental therapies. Overexpression of a glycosyltransferase, CT GalNAc, in mdx mice has been demonstrated to prevent the development of muscular dystrophy. Overexpression of another glycosyltransferase, LARGE, is currently being investigated as a treatment for another group of muscular dystrophies, the dystroglycanopathies. In this study, we overexpressed LARGE in mdx mice in order to investigate its effect on the development of muscular dystrophy.

ESC-analys och studering av knack på en "Diesel Dual Fuel"-motor

A one-cylinder research engine has been used for studies with a Diesel Dual Fuel concept (DDF). DDF is a concept that utilizes a pilot diesel injection to ignite a homogenous natural gas/air mixture. Emissions and engine efficiency have been analyzed in an emission cycle called European Stationary Cycle (ESC) and the knock/pre-ignition problems with this type of engine have been investigated.At low and mid torque levels, an early diesel injection around 60 crank angles degrees (CAD) before top dead center (TDC) was used. At these loads raw NOxemissions was below EURO 6 level (0.2 g/kWh). NOxwas at EURO 5 level over the complete ESC without after treatment and with SCR at high loads it should be possible to reach EURO 6.One issue with DDF is the high HC emission levels.

Faciliteter, Transporter eller Attraktioner? : En kvalitativ studie gällande viktiga resurser på en MICE-destination

Affärsresandet och mässor har funnits i alla tider, den första världsutställningen genomfördes redan år 1851. MICE-industrin (Meetings, incentive, conference och exhibition) utbreder sig allt mer över hela världen. Detta har resulterat i utvecklingen av allt fler anläggningar och diverse resurser. En oro har på senare tid uppkommit gällande om expansionen kommer att skapa en mättnad av marknaden. Vilka resurser krävs egentligen för att en destination ska vara intressant för MICE-evenemang? Denna studie avser att undersöka detta genom kvalitativa intervjuer med verksamma eventföretag inom MICE-industrin för att sedan sätta det empiriska materialet mot tidigare framforskad information kring detta.

Comparison of three IVC systems for mice, with focus on growth and nest building in juvenile mice

Today the individual ventilated cage system (IVC-system) is the most commonly used system when housing rodents. IVC systems are designed to control both supply and exhausted air at cage level, as well as temperature and relative humidity in the cages. This creates an optimal environment for the mouse and at the same time a protection against the risk of cross-infection between cages and the outside environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the health and welfare for two different strains of laboratory mice (NMRI nude mice and C57BL/6NCrl mice) in three different kinds of IVC-systems; Arrowmight, Allentown and Tecniplast. 108 mouse pups from each strain (in total 216 mice) were selected after weaning at an age of three weeks and tested during 5 weeks.

The role of mast cells and mast cell mediators in the development of atopic dermatitis in a mouse model

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease affecting around 10 % of both dogs and humans. The hallmark symptom is severe pruritus, causing a lowered quality of life. Mast cells (MCs) are known to play an important part of the immunopathogenesis, promoting a faulty T helper cell type 2 (Th-2) response which follows by a production of specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies towards environmental allergens (Ag). To further investigate the role of MCs and its mediators in the progression of AD, a low-calcemic vitamin D3 analog (MC903) was used to induce AD-like symptoms locally on the ears of two different knock-out (KO) mouse strains. The first strain was Wsh-/- mice deficient in MCs.

"Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land" : En nivåstudie av produktion, struktur, ensamhet och begär i John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men

My main purpose with this paper of John Steinbecks Of mice and men is to both analyze the long-lived structures and the unique individual destinies of the novel. I employ the method of the historical Annales-movement and use three divided levels in my analysis to try to capture these high structures and low moments of humanity in Structure, Konjuncture and the Individuality. The first level, Structure, is used to see how long-lived almost invisible geographic structures set the human act of condition. The second level, Konjuncture, is easier to grasp in understanding of time and embraces for example economic structures as the industrialism. The last level of Individuality is the fastest in time and easiest to understand but in the long run also the least important.

Inhibiting the IGF-1 receptor with the cyclolignan Picropodophyllin: an in vitro study of ovulation, implantation and receptivity in a mouse model

Picropodophyllin (PPP) is an analogue of the anti tumour lignan podophyllotoxin with the unique ability to selectively inhibit the receptor of Insulin like growth factor 1(IGF-1). IGF-1 is believed to play an important part in development of the endometrium facing implantation. With PPP treated mice, studies can be made to measure gene expression from tissue of both treated and untreated mice to compare the role of IGF-1 regarding ovulation, implantation and receptivity. The aim of this study was to analyze gene expression of some steroid hormone receptors and cytokines in ovaries from mice treated with PPP. In this study, seven mice were treated with PPP at different times and tissue was collected.

IgG mediated suppression of immunological memory

Apart from recognizing and neutralizing threats, antibodies also have the ability to regulate immune responses against their specific antigen. IgG administered together with erythrocytes is well known to induce >99% suppression. This has been used to prevent haemolytic disease in new-borns since the 1960's, but the mechanism behind it is still not completely understood. The effect on the primary response is well established, but its influence on induction of immunological memory is still heavily debated. In this study adoptive cell transfer of splenocytes to irradiated mice was used to survey the effect IgG has on induction of immunological memory without disturbance from the primary IgG response.

Flexibel utemöbel

Att produktion sker med hänsyn till människa och natur är viktigt för möbelföretaget KLONG. Detta har gett till följd att en ny kollektion av möbler utvecklats med fokus på knock-down. Vilket innebär att produkten är anpassad och konstruerad på ett sådant sätt att möbeln går att plocka isär och sammansättningen av produkten kan ske så nära slutkonsument som möjligt.Dessa produktionsförändringar får inte påverka produkten negativt så den förlorar sin identitet, möbelns formspråk ska uttrycka KLONG.Mitt arbete avser ett projekt där utemöbler har utvecklats åt KLONG utifrån krav på bl.a. produktion, distribution och funktion.Projektet påbörjades genom att utföra en grundlig analys av KLONG och deras produkter. Därefter utvecklades via designprocessen en flexibel knock-down möbel som via sin design förmedlar KLONG samt uppfyller sin funktion och innehar miljösmart distribution och tillverkning. .

Kunskapssyn och lärande i estetiska lärprocesser och waldorpedagogik

My main purpose with this paper of John Steinbecks Of mice and men is to both analyze the long-lived structures and the unique individual destinies of the novel. I employ the method of the historical Annales-movement and use three divided levels in my analysis to try to capture these high structures and low moments of humanity in Structure, Konjuncture and the Individuality. The first level, Structure, is used to see how long-lived almost invisible geographic structures set the human act of condition. The second level, Konjuncture, is easier to grasp in understanding of time and embraces for example economic structures as the industrialism. The last level of Individuality is the fastest in time and easiest to understand but in the long run also the least important.

Positive reinforcement training for laboratory mice

The mouse (Mus musculus) is the most commonly used mammal in biomedical research and can easily be restrained by both hand and by a device. Restraining animals causes stress that not only decreases the animal?s wellbeing, but may also influence the research results. The first aim of this study was to train mice to voluntarily stand still using positive reinforcement training. Another benefit of teaching a mouse to stand still is that you can avoid anaesthesia for some procedures.

Hållning av kastrerade och icke kastrerade försöksmöss i par som en lösning på aggressivt beteende

Aggression between laboratory mice is a common problem and can result in welfare issues such as mice hurting or killing each other and also stress. Swedish laws and regulations clearly states that mice must be housed with a companion due to their natural social structure. Many studies have investigated the effect off enrichment, group size, cage size and other potential changes in in their environment on the occurrence of aggression. Even with these changes aggression can exist and therefore a new solution was tested in this paper. The proposed solution was to house an intact mouse with a castrated one and thus fulfill laws and regulations while still maintaining the physiology of one of the mice for the purpose of medical experiments.

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